Matched for Keeps Page 3
Frozen where she was, Sue wiped the wide-eyed expression off her face and forced her dry lips into a shaky smile. Wow, this was not supposed to happen; he was supposed to be drooling over her, not the other way around. Her tummy tightened visibly and Marcus surely noticed it, she realized, as she felt moisture leaking down her thigh. He was growing larger and harder right before her eyes and she was still unable to move a step in any direction as she watched.
Breaking the stalemate, Marcus strode across the room and pulled her to him, his erection now upright and nestled against her stomach, hot and hard.
"Are we good?" he asked softly, inhaling her fragrance and smelling her arousal with pleasure.
"Oh, we're good," Sue assured him as her arms crept around his neck.
"Good," he replied. "I'd hate to think I was a disappointment to you," he teased, lightly running his hand up the inside of her thigh and finding what he sought.
"Oh you're very funny," she sighed, biting his earlobe sharply. "I believe you promised me mind-numbing sex and so far all I've gotten are promises."
"I also promised you erotic spanking and you're about to get your first taste of that my girl," he laughed, tightening his arms around her and lifting her from the floor.
"Spanking? Really? Come on," she groaned in frustration. "I don't want a spanking. You know what I want."
"And you shall have it my love, but first things first," he insisted, setting her down next to the bed and sitting. Marcus pulled her resisting body over his knee, her upper torso resting comfortably on the bed as he positioned her to his satisfaction. He kept her legs separated, and his knee between them as he rubbed his hand over her bottom, adoringly.
Sue put both fists under her chin, determined to ignore it as best she could. She'd signed on for this and could hardly complain at this point, but she was damned disappointed in how this was playing out so far.
Marcus, noticing her pouting, gave her a sharp slap covering both cheeks with his large hand and causing her to gasp in surprise.
"Oh, this is real erotic," she drawled sarcastically.
"It can be if you'll just lose the attitude and behave," he replied giving her another slightly painful swat.
"Yeah for you," she shot back, not even trying to keep her temper under control.
"Or it can turn into something else entirely. Your choice, Red. I plan on enjoying every second of this, regardless. You just go ahead and think it over," he offered, giving her yet another crisp slap on her rapidly heating bottom.
"Oh all right," she sighed, snagging a pillow from the top of the bed to rest her head on. "Just get it over with so we can move on to more pleasant activities, if you don't mind," she sniffed.
Marcus laughed loudly as he began to pepper her pink bottom with rhythmic spanks that were not quite painful, but certainly capable of producing heat. He had no intention of hurrying as she'd asked and intended to make the most of his incredible luck. He had an absolutely gorgeous woman over his lap, was turning her delectable backside pinker with each swat and she was compliant, for the most part. Occasionally she kicked her feet a little or squeaked out an "ow," but each and every time he paused to rub her sweet warm ass, she moaned in pleasure, lifting her bottom into his hand. His knee was soaked with her juices and she could deny it till the end of time, but she was right there with him.
Marcus gathered her slippery essence on his long fingers, sliding over her bottom hole to gauge her reaction, and she moaned into the pillow even as she tried unsuccessfully to wiggle away. Excellent, he thought as he battled his own urges, afraid he would come against her tummy at her reaction. Most women who enjoyed spanking were also anal erotic and he planned to explore this territory further. For now he would savor the treasure he had at hand.
"For someone who doesn't enjoy a good spanking, you're very responsive," he remarked casually, keeping the smile out of his voice.
"Go to hell," she shot back, and was rewarded with three astounding smacks that had her chanting "sorry, sorry, sorry" immediately.
"That's okay, Red, you're forgiven," he replied, soothing the handprints in a gentle manner as she sighed in relief. To prove the truth of his words, he slipped his hand between her legs, and rubbed her little clit gently. When she cried out and pushed against his hand, he lingered but for a moment before slipping lower and impaling her fully on his long tapered finger.
Marcus caught his breath and tried to assemble his own thoughts as he held perfectly still inside her hot, tight sheath. It was nearly unbearable pleasure and when she began humping his hand, each downward thrust brushed her tummy firmly against his own raging hard on. Pulling himself from the brink of disaster, his finger plunged in and out of her, concentrating on her every whimper and moan. When he felt her begin to tighten around him even more, he removed his finger and resumed slapping her bottom with just enough gusto to distract her from her approaching orgasm.
"Marcus!' she screamed in frustration.
"Be still my sweet, all in due time. I want to make sure you get the full benefit from your very first spanking of this kind."
Susan growled and beat her fists into her pillow.
"I was just about to get the full benefit until you snatched it away from me," she spat, glaring at him over her shoulder, her eyes filled with tears.
"Aw, honey, I'm sorry," he told her, gentling his swats as soon as he realized how emotional she'd become. "If I take my arm from around your waist, do you promise to stay exactly as I've placed you?"
"Yes," she agreed hopefully. "Anything you say."
"All right, don't make me sorry I trusted you," he firmly stated as he removed his arm.
Sue stayed in position as he continued spanking her bottom with very gentle slaps that produced a rapidly building heat inside her. After several minutes he lifted her slightly and slipped his hand beneath her tummy, purposely pushing his dick out of the way. Inching his hand lower he used his fingers to separate her slippery lips and lay his thick middle finger directly on her clit. Each slap on her bottom pushed her firmly against it, and she began rocking with the rhythm he set for her. Her cries echoed his slaps, but she never once asked him to stop and shortly she was pleading mindlessly for release, promising a million things she wasn't aware of. Finally, unsure how much longer he could hang on, he gave her three very hard spanks just before plunging two fingers into her weeping core. Susan screamed and convulsed around him, her contractions so violent it was all he could do to keep her sandwiched between his hands. His one finger gently moved against her clit and his others kept up a steady pistoning pattern as she contracted around them and howled her release.
Marcus slowed, whispering endearments she never heard as she came back to herself.
Relaxing over his knee was unexpectedly comfortable until his hand cracked her ass again and his finger moved to the very top of her clit and began tapping.
"No," she howled, but he would not be dissuaded.
"Be a good girl and come again for me," he encouraged her, and within a few seconds she was on her way to another orgasm, pinned securely between his hands. The second his slaps stopped and he penetrated her, she exploded again much more powerfully than the first, her guttural cries echoing through the room.
There was no spanking during the third orgasm, just his gentle prodding of the special spot inside of her as he tapped on her clit until she flooded his hand, quivering mindlessly.
Marcus helped her off his lap and positioned her boneless body on her back on the bed.
"Where are you going? Sue asked hoarsely as he walked away.
"To get a condom," he replied softly.
"You don't need one," she told him sitting up and brushing her tangled hair off her face. "I've got the Dr. Mike seal of approval and I'm on the pill."
Marcus immediately pivoted and dove for the bed.
"God does it get any better than this?" he asked, pushing her back down and resting his forehead against hers.
"I don't think so," she said wit
h sincerity, gently stroking his cheeks.
Marcus bent and took her nipple into his mouth and Susan began to rethink her statement as he scooped one arm under her ass, arched and seated himself to the hilt inside her hot wet pussy with one firm thrust.
"Oh baby," he moaned as he began to move, "yes, yes it does."
His words from the night of the party came back to Susan: "loved to near insanity in the bedroom." Well, the man was not a liar, she admitted, and it was her last coherent thought for a long while.
The sun was sinking slowly beyond the lake when Susan woke, stretching languidly. So much for him having insomnia, she thought with a grin, hearing him snoring softly beside her. Slipping out of bed, she padded quietly to the bathroom. After washing her face and hands she eyed Marcus's toothbrush in the holder and decided, what the hell. With the places his mouth had been this afternoon, using his toothbrush was mild. Her bags were still downstairs so she brushed her hair with his brush and left the room, stopping at his closet to grab a dress shirt and rolling up the sleeves on her way down the wide oak stairway. Starving, she located the kitchen and began to methodically search the fridge and cupboards for something quick and easy. Nada. Damn, when that man said he didn't believe in junk food, he wasn't kidding. There wasn't a chip or a cookie to be found anywhere. Taking a Pepsi from the fridge she thanked God he hadn't been able to kick that habit, popped the top and took a long drink. Sue finally found one lonely package of low fat string cheese and opened it. She was really going to have to do something about the goody situation if she was planning to stay here for a whole year. It was appalling; there wasn't even any ice cream, just frozen yogurt. Yuk.
Taking her drink with her, she backtracked to the great room and let herself out the glass door onto the deck. The furniture looked comfortable, but she wasn't sure how her bottom would react to sitting right now so she slowly eased down onto a well cushioned lounge with a sigh of relief.
Not too bad, she thought. She felt a little soreness but nothing like the remnants of her previous spanking when she had difficulty sitting all the next day. No, this was more like a hypersensitivity, not unpleasant but definitely noticeable. Still, all things considered, it was a small thing compared to the pleasure Marcus had conjured with his incredible skills. I mean really, she thought, what woman in her right mind would walk away from that. Geez, the man was the whole package, genuine prime as far as she was concerned. So he had a little kink bone; most people did in some form or another, whether they wanted to admit it or not. At least he was honest about it.
The ex-girlfriend was a bother; what if she changed her mind and came back sniffing around? Sue had no use for poachers and never dated men who were attached in any way if she knew about it. There was no way Sue was giving him up, especially after this afternoon. A lot of men were all hat and no cattle, talking a good story, just looking for a place to get their rocks off. Marcus made sure she was a pile of goo before he took his pleasure and even then he took her with him. No, he had promised her she wouldn't be disappointed and had delivered that and much more.
Taking another sip of her drink, she tipped her head back and looked at the twilight sky. The breeze blowing off the lake was cooling fast, but it was nothing compared to spending last winter in her ratty little room, hovering over a space heater. Curling her toes, she hugged herself with happiness. A hot man who wants to love her into oblivion, twelve thousand dollars a month to spend, I mean save, she scolded herself, a beautiful roof over her head -- no it just didn't get any better than this.
Marcus sensed her absence as soon as he opened his eyes and bounded out of bed. Naked, he looked in the bathroom and then headed downstairs. As soon as he entered the great room he spotted her on the deck, enjoying the sunset and headed back upstairs to shower. It wasn't that he expected her to be gone, but he felt better just the same. Showering took only a few minutes and he threw on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt before he went back downstairs.
Sue was still lounging so he headed into the kitchen, starving. Putting on a pot of water for whole-wheat pasta, he quickly chopped up fresh vegetables. In a matter of minutes he had zucchini, garlic, mushrooms, and onions sautéing in extra virgin olive oil. When they were almost done, he went out onto the deck to get Sue.
"Come on, baby, it's getting too cold out here and dinner's almost done," he told her, bending to kiss her hair.
"Dinner? You cook, too?" she asked clapping, her hands together in delight. "What are we having? I'm famished."
"Pasta," he replied taking her hands, pulling her from the lounge and tugging her behind him into the house.
The smells coming from the kitchen were amazing and she followed meekly behind.
"Get some plates out of that cupboard," he said pointing out which one, "and there are utensils in the drawer below it."
Sue got what she needed, putting the plates next to him and setting the silverware on the island. She found some napkins in another drawer and climbed up on a bar stool to wait.
When he set her plate in front of her she eyed the vegetables suspiciously.
"I thought you said pasta? Where's the meatballs and sausage?"
Marcus laughed and handed her the shaker of low-fat Parmesan cheese.
"I told you we will be eating a healthy diet in this house. This is really good and easy to make. Don't be such a food snob. Try it."
Sue wound up a small amount of the slightly brown pasta and speared a piece of zucchini with her fork. Sliding it into her mouth she immediately closed her eyes and sighed as she savored the flavor.
"It is delicious," she smiled, sprinkling on the cheese. "Where did you learn to cook like this?"
"I've lived alone for a long time. Basically it was either learn to do it myself or exist on packaged meals loaded with preservatives and lord knows what else. Can you cook?"
"Not at all?"
"Nope," she replied chewing slowly and smiling.
"What did you live on? I know you were struggling financially so I assume you couldn't afford to eat out every day."
"You assume right. I lived on Ramon noodles, chips, crackers, candy, that kind of stuff."
"No vegetables, no fruit?"
"Once in a while I would buy a banana or an apple but mostly cheap stuff that wouldn't spoil. Every now and then I would have a date and I always insisted they take me out to dinner," she laughed. "After the first date they would learn and try to steer me to the less expensive places."
"Well you're going to learn to cook here, Red," he told her firmly. "Everyone should know how to properly feed themselves."
"Does that mean I get to do the grocery shopping, too?" she asked innocently.
"No it does not," Marcus laughed. "Do I look like an idiot?"
"No, but then I really don't want to learn."
"Tough, you're going to learn. You can start with the easy meals first, like breakfast. I will prepare lunch and dinner until you progress."
"Oh all right, but if you get sick, don't blame me," she snorted, already planning how to get out of it.
"If I get sick, as soon as I'm well I will tan your hide, Red. Just keep that in mind."
Sue blushed, stuck out her tongue and resumed eating her pasta. They talked about her childhood, the book he was working on and the places he'd visited. Before she knew it they were finished and she hopped down and started carrying their plates to the sink.
"I'll do that baby," he told her, taking the things from her hands. "I carried your luggage upstairs, why don't you go up and get settled and we'll watch a movie in a little while?"
"Ok, if you're sure you don't mind. I mean you did cook and everything."
"I don't mind. Go on now and I'll see you in a bit"
Sue nodded and left the kitchen. He certainly was thoughtful.
They spent the evening cuddled up on the couch watching movies until Marcus determined it was time to go to bed. Susan didn't much care for the idea, after having slept away a good portion of
the afternoon, but when Marcus gave her the "look," she decided it might be a good idea. He carried her upstairs in his arms and made slow, passionate love to her until all she wanted to do was sleep.
Chapter Three
The rest of the week settled into a pattern. Marcus rose early, made coffee and went for a run encouraging Sue to join him, which resulted in her pulling the covers over her head and going back to sleep. When he returned he would head to his office and work until his stomach rumbled at which point he would go upstairs, yank her covers off, usually providing a hearty slap to her naked ass, and bellow for her to get up and feed him.
This didn't go over too well with Susan and for the first two mornings she stumbled out of bed, went downstairs and made him whole-wheat toast with orange juice. After feeding him, she crawled back into bed until around noon, when it would soon be his turn to cook.
Marcus allowed this until the third morning when he informed her that there better be a hot breakfast on the table in short order or he would cook an egg on her ass. After looking through his cookbooks, she decided an omelet couldn't be too hard and gave it a shot. He ended up with scrambled eggs that had hidden chunks of burnt mushrooms under the cheese, but he ate it and even complimented her on her first culinary attempt.
Sue sat at the counter sipping her Pepsi and watching him pick out the eggshells, hiding her grin. Maybe now that he saw what a terrible cook she was he would start making breakfast.
Carrying his plate to the sink, he scraped the remains down the disposal and looked through the drawers for a moment. When he approached her he had a large wooden spoon in his hand, which he set on the counter in front of her. Bending he tipped her chin up and fixed her with his eyes.