Matched for Keeps Page 2
"Yes, please," Kelsey whispered.
"I'll give you a hand taking in Kelsey's bags," Marcus offered, getting out of the vehicle.
"Are you going to be all right?" Susan asked shifting over to Kelsey's seat and taking her hand.
"I think so," Kelsey answered, squeezing tightly. "I mean Ty's great, isn't he?" she asked hopefully, raising her blue eyes to Susan's.
"He's perfect," Susan assured her with a laugh. "He's sweet and kind and sexy as hell. The house is beautiful, and I know he's going to take good care of you. Did you bring your movie?"
"It's packed, but I've watched it so many times I think I have it down. I may never be able to watch a Meg Ryan movie again after this. Are you sure normal women make that much noise when they… you know?"
"I don't know about all women," Sue answered thoughtfully, "but based on my personal knowledge I think it's pretty close. Ty will think he's a master stud if you can pull it off, and hopefully, in time, you won't have to worry about faking it."
"I'm not holding my breath for that," Kelsey replied. "I just want to please him, and as long as it's not too painful, I should be good."
"Kelsey, before they come back I want to ask you something. Do you think you'll be doing the grocery shopping?"
"I don't know, maybe," Kelsey replied. "We haven't really talked about it. Why?"
"Well, Marcus is planning to starve me with healthy foods, and I think he said something about the housekeeper doing the shopping. I was wondering if you would mind picking up some of my favorites and stashing them for me, just in case? At least then when I come over I can get my Cheetos fix," Susan said grinning. "Unless you're worried about getting in trouble?"
"No, that should be all right. Ty never says anything about what I eat, and besides, he's not really a spanker like Marcus. I'll figure something out."
"Thanks, Kels, I appreciate it. I'll call you as soon as I can," Sue promised just as the men returned to the car. Kelsey got out, and Ty took her hand, leading her into the house.
Susan stayed where she was, across from Marcus, until he snagged her wrist and pulled her over and onto his lap. Burying his face in her hair he sighed, his arm firmly around her.
"Ah," he sighed, breathing in her fragrance. "Alone at last," he whispered approvingly.
"All right Snidely Whiplash, take it easy," Sue replied. "There's still the driver, you know."
Marcus laughed, sliding one hand down and massaging her bare foot gently. Working his way back up her leg, he pushed her short skirt out of the way as he stroked her delicate skin.
Sue squirmed as he lingered at the inside of her thighs, her stiff back relaxing in pleasure, despite herself. When his large hand moved higher, cupping her firmly, she moaned in delight.
"You're wet," Marcus groaned.
"Whose fault is that?" Sue asked, her breathing rapidly accelerating.
"Mine, I hope, and I intend to keep you that way, wet, hot and needy. How do you feel about going commando?" he teased, lightly stroking her clit through her panties.
"That is exactly the kind of question you ask when your hand is not buried between my legs," she gasped.
"But you're so such more malleable this way," Marcus replied, smiling as he bent to kiss her neck.
"Exactly," she agreed, her thighs falling farther apart as she arched into his hand. "It's an unfair tactic," she panted, loving the feel of his erection pressing against her ass. "You just think it will be easier to spank me without panties."
"Red, any spanking you get from me will always be on your bare ass," he laughed. "Panties are a minor inconvenience, easily remedied." As if to prove his point he slipped his finger under the edge of her panties and gathered her moisture, rubbing it over her clit in slow circles.
"Marcus, please," she begged as her head fell back, exposing more of her neck to his kiss. Her hips arched, trying to steer him inside her, but he wouldn't be rushed, and in fact lessened the pressure as she pushed against him.
"Settle down, Red. We'll be home soon," he breathed into her ear.
"Fuck you, Marcus," she growled, sitting up and grabbing his shirt in both hands. "You started this fire and you damn well better be good at putting it out."
"Such language coming from such a delicate little thing," he laughed, pulling his hand out of her panties, giving her one final pat as the driver turned off the road.
He wasn't kidding about the mountain lodge. It seemed they went uphill for a long time on the winding driveway. Suddenly they broke through the trees and Sue stared in absolute amazement at the huge log structure. The entire front was a wall of glass reflecting everything back at her. A wide porch spanned the front and wrapped around and the side of the lodge, and Sue could see a huge in-ground pool with a rock waterfall on one side. The place was enormous and she stood outside the limo in her bare feet, frozen in awe.
Marcus was pleased with her reaction. He'd designed the entire lodge himself and despite the rustic look, it had every comfort known to modern man. He left Susan standing there while he and the chauffeur carried the luggage into the foyer. Returning quickly he bent and tossed her over his shoulder, carrying her into the house like he was a marauding warrior, giving her a crisp smack on her butt.
"Come on, Red," he said grinning when she squealed. "Come see your home for the next year."
"That's nice, Marcus, real nice. Thanks for embarrassing me in front of the driver," she hissed.
"Johnson? He's been my driver for several years now and is the soul of discretion," he assured her, kicking the wide door closed and setting her down.
"That's beside the point. I've known him for all of five minutes and I don't like…"
Sue's voice fell away as she turned and looked into the great room. The outside wall had a natural stone fireplace big enough for her to stand in, the chimney exposed all the way to the rafters which looked to be more than two stories high. At the far end there was another wall of windows, matching those on the front, and the lake glistened in the sun. Taking her hand, he pulled her to the glass and opened the sliding doors, stepping out onto the back deck.
"See that white house?' he asked pointing across the lake. "That's where Ty and Kelsey live."
"Do you have a boat?" she asked, thinking it would be much easier to see her friend whenever she wanted if she could cross the lake that way.
"Several, but there are no motor boats allowed on the lake, and believe me your perception of the distance is deceptive. I've rowed it many times and it's farther than it looks from here."
"Oh," she said softly. Guess speeding across the lake to visit Kelsey and getting her junk food fix was out of the question.
"Do you want to see the rest of the house?" he asked.
"Yeah, sure," she replied as he led her from the room.
His office was on the first floor, at the opposite end of the house, the window facing the lake. It was comfortably furnished with oversized everything, including the desk. The walls were lined with bookshelves and there was a small fireplace on the outside wall. The mantle had several framed pictures and Sue studied them. There were pictures of two small identical boys with what she assumed were their parents, and another with an older couple, grandparents probably. A picture of a beautiful blond woman caught her attention and she picked it up for a closer look.
"Who's this?" she queried looking at Marcus as he shifted through several papers on his desk.
"That's Bianca," he replied looking up to see what Sue held.
"Who is she?"
"She was someone very important to me, once upon a time."
"Where is she? What happened to her?"
"She lives in France with her husband," he answered, leaning against the desk, his arms crossed over his chest as he studied her reaction.
"So you didn't stay together… why?"
Marcus sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he turned to face the windows before he answered.
"I loved her, but I couldn't make her happy. She didn't
understand what made me tick, couldn't accept some of my proclivities," he stated with a grimace. "It would never have worked out. For a while I thought I could live her way, but as time went on I became more and more frustrated and she became more unhappy. She knew I wasn't satisfied and she's a beautiful woman. It was difficult for her to understand why her beauty wasn't enough."
"Did you spank her?"
"I did, several times in fact. She couldn't or wouldn't accept that it's part of who I am."
"Is that why you turned to Sugar Babies?"
"Partly," he answered truthfully, turning back to look at her. "I went there on a whim. Sam has been after me for a long time, but I never really had any intention of finding a woman that way," he said, chagrined. "It just seemed wrong, as though I would be purchasing what I want instead of developing a relationship with someone who understood the dynamics of what I need."
"Then why did you go?"
"I was bored and agitated. Ty and I were in the city on business and planned to head home on Saturday. Then I saw you in that bookstore and became… fixated, I guess. I could still smell your perfume, feel you pressed against me when I went to bed that night. I couldn't settle down and get you out of my mind. I told myself it was just a chance meeting, that you were nothing to me and never would be, but I couldn't stop thinking about you. How you looked, your pretty mouth sassing me, your ass in those tight jeans," he grinned, "And of course those ridiculous shoes. I worried whether you made it back home that night, never realizing you were staying at the hotel."
"The next night I found myself back at the store, describing you to the night manager, but no one knew who you were. I tried pushing you out of my mind. After all, I had no idea whether you were married or attached. At one point I actually thought about hiring a private detective to find you, but I realized that was just plain insane. I didn't even know your name."
"Friday I ran into Sam and he invited me and Ty to the party. I went out of sheer curiosity, thinking it might be amusing, and there you were, doing what you do best, arguing with the bartender and looking so tempting," he smiled. "It was all I could do to control myself. I wanted to scoop you into my arms, find an empty room and ravish you, but I couldn't. I ran the risk of scaring you away."
"I don't scare easily," Sue replied, setting the photo down.
"I know, it's part of your charm," Marcus agreed. "Did you think about me, after that night we met?"
"I did," Sue admitted, "but mostly it annoyed me. I'm not the type to spend much time mooning over some man I'd probably never see again, but you intrigued me. It's not every day that a total stranger tells you, 'you need a spanking.' It's not something I've ever thought about incorporating into my sex life. I tried to remember your voice and convince myself that you were teasing, but in my heart I knew you weren't. Then before I knew it I began to wonder if you were right. Crazy, huh?" she grinned. "My whole life has been sort of a roller coaster and I've just been along for the ride. My parents tried to curb my, let's call it enthusiasm, but weren't very successful. I'm not blind to my faults and when I decided to sign on with Sugar Babies, it was in the back of my mind that perhaps a little guidance wouldn't be a bad thing, provided I trusted the man to actually care about me and not be an abusive jerk. I thought maybe with the right match, I could come out of this with a little more direction, and of course there is the money," she added smiling. "So I went for it."
Marcus laughed. What a little opportunist she was, not that he was above taking advantage when presented with his heart's desire, obviously.
"And now?" he asked curiously.
"Well," Sue grimaced, absently rubbing her bottom. "Now that you've spanked me, and I must say that I think it was a little unfair of you to do that, considering all I wanted was to make love to you, I'm a little apprehensive about the whole spanking thing. Of course," she continued walking up to him, tipping her head back and sliding her fingers into his thick hair. "You did mention something about erotic spanking and I'm all for giving that a try."
Marcus laughed. "I'll bet you are," he whispered as he bent and claimed her lips. Molding her body to his, he kissed her until he felt her legs quiver, taking everything she offered. His hands moved to her beautiful bottom, holding her up as his tongue teased her mouth open. When he felt her sag against him he released her lips, but nothing else. Tipping her head up, he stared into her eyes.
"I spanked you for two purposes that first night. One I already explained to you. You are not allowed to pleasure yourself without permission. Frankly I want to be a part of every orgasm you have in one way or another. The second reason was to give you a taste of what to expect if you disobey me. I'm not a tyrant but I will hold you accountable when necessary. You needed to know that, before you signed that contract and before we became any more involved. It's easy to agree to something on paper and quite another when reality steps in. I had to know if you were going to bail on me the first time I corrected you, and I did give you fair warning."
"I'm not saying you didn't," Sue replied. "It was just that I wanted you so badly and…"
"I wanted you too, Red, and I want you even more now, but if I had made love to you and then you walked away I wouldn't be able to deal with it. You probably won't admit it, but I've seen you in action. You're a disaster waiting to happen. I need you, Red, but I happen to believe you need me even more."
"Well," she sighed, stroking his cheek. "Since we agree that we want and need each other, how about we skip the rest of the house for now and you show me your bedroom?"
Marcus laughed and grabbed her hand, pulling her from the room.
"Our bedroom," he told her, wrapping an arm around her as he steered her upstairs, "and don't forget it."
Chapter Two
Sue stopped in the doorway, staring at the massive four-poster bed made out of logs. The thing was huge and could easily accommodate six people.
"Wow," she said coming into the room. "I've never seen such a big bed."
"It's custom-made," Marcus replied, kicking off his shoes and pulling his shirt over his head.
"I like a lot of room and I often have insomnia. I don't like to disturb anyone if I can't sleep."
"And just how many women have slept in this bed?" Sue demanded, feeling a rush of jealousy that someone other than she had enjoyed it.
"Actually no one has slept in this bed," he teased, an evil twinkle in his eye as he unsnapped his jeans.
"You know what I mean," she scoffed giving him the stink-eye, her hands on her hips.
"Relax, Red. It's new. I had it replaced recently and we will be christening it in the next few minutes if someone would get her ass in gear, that is."
"Oh," Susan replied, realizing he was down to his boxers and she was still fully dressed, minus the shoes of course. "Where's the bathroom?"
"In there," he said indicating a door with a jerk of his head. "Hurry up or you will be getting in bed with a red ass. I've waited long enough for you."
Sue huffed and headed for the door. "Watch out," she advised, "girls with sore red butts might not feel like making love."
"Want to bet?" he shot back laughing.
She didn't answer and instead shut the bathroom door behind her with a decisive click. Looking around, Sue about drooled; a large whirlpool tub, big enough for at least four people in her opinion, dominated the room. There was a shower with what looked like a separate steam area, complete with benches on both sides. There was even a bidet for Christ's sake she noticed, availing herself of the amenities. She grabbed a washcloth out of the cabinet and freshened up, wishing she had her bag so she could touch up her make up. Taking his brush off the counter she brushed her red hair quickly while letting her skirt and panties drop to the floor. Her top and lacy bra soon followed and finally naked, she put the brush down and walked to the door.
Sue wasn't shy, at least not normally. She liked her body other than wishing she were a little taller. Her breasts were high and full, her waist tapered and she totally agreed
with Marcus, she had a perfect ass, but for some reason this was a little different. She no longer had the option of walking away if her partner didn't please her. In fact, she was committed to spending the next year with him. It was hard to imagine him not being an excellent lover. He'd literally kept her dripping since Friday night and truth be told had invaded her dreams from the moment he saved her from a terrible fall in the bookstore. Why did she doubt herself now? What if he was the one who wasn't satisfied with her? Oh shut up, she told herself sternly, now you're sounding like Kelsey. You haven't had any complaints yet, she reminded herself. How many men have I slept with, she wondered for the first time, shocked that it was even crossing her mind.
Let's see, first there was Mike. He was okay for an inexperienced girl to try it out on, she guessed, although it would have been nice if he told her he already had a wife. Then there was John; he was really an excellent lover and since her virginity was no longer a problem she enjoyed their time together. Hmm… after that was Julio, she remembered, smiling. That man had mad skills and she hated to break it off but he was heading out to California to work on his doctorate. Sue wasn't a "sit around and wait" kind of girl. No, it was better to end that cleanly. Then there was Martin, she continued, ticking off another finger. What a colossal waste of time. A nice guy but what he knew about pleasing a woman you could fit in a Dixie cup.
"Red, what's the hold up in there? Do I need to come and get you?" Marcus called from the bedroom. "I can do that. You won't like it, but I will," he teased.
Sue grinned and pulled her shoulders back, accentuating her breasts, as she opened the door. It will do him good to learn a little patience she thought as she slowly walked into the bedroom. Now give him a little time to admire you, she reminded herself looking towards the bed expectantly.
But Marcus wasn't in the bed. He was standing next to yet another fireplace and he was gloriously naked. His ripped body, silhouetted in the sunlight that filtered through the curtains, gave him a golden appearance. His stomach was hard and she could see the six-pack he carried without an ounce of conceit. Long legs showed his sculpted thigh and calf muscles ending in large somewhat elegant feet. One well defined arm rested along the top of the mantel, the other hung relaxed at his side. Sue couldn't take her eyes off him and stumbled slightly on the hardwood floor. His manhood, hanging along his thigh, was already long and thick despite not being fully aroused.